Ensuring your financial security. Protect your financial future and that of your family with our line of credit insurance. That way you can live life to the fullest, with peace of mind.

Benefits of taking cover.

It’s all taken care of.

Payment of your line of credit balance upon the death of one of the participants.

Covering unexpected moments.

Accidental death coverage at no additional cost from the time you sign the application and during the application process.

Only pay for what you use.

Your premium is calculated based on the balance used.

Get the facts.


Life insurance

Who’s eligible

You’re eligible if:

  • You’re between the ages of 18 and 64;

  • You’re the borrower, co-borrower or guarantor;

  • You’re a Canadian resident.

Insurable amount

The maximum insurable amount for a line of credit is $250,000.

Premium type

The premium is payable monthly and calculated based on the balance used as well as the following:

  • The borrower's age;

  • The rate that determines the premium will remain the same until the line of credit is revised when the age group changes.

Insurance termination

Insurance is terminated on the earliest of the following dates:

  • The borrower reaches 70 years of age;

  • List IteThe line of credit or the premium is in default on 2 payments;

  • The insurer pays a death claim for the line of credit;

  • The line of credit is voluntarily cancelled by the insured person;

  • The line of credit is closed or refinanced.

Accidental dismemberment insurance

This coverage is included with your life insurance.

Helpful tips and resources.

This insurance product may be right for you if:

  • You want to protect your savings or those of your beneficiaries should you pass away.

  • You want your line of credit to be settled easily after your death.

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